Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ramen Porn for Your iPad

It seems that the iPad will have something for everybody, and that includes noodle lovers, at least those of the ramen persuasion. Look for RamenWalker Tokyo and RamenWalker Yokohama applications in the iTunes app store. As far as I can tell, they are just magazines you can flip through, but here is the publisher's description of Ramenwalker Tokyo:

"Ramen Walker Tokyo 2010" Magazine is Published from Kadokawa Marketing Inc.
Contents of This Magazine is linked with "Ramen Walker Web" social web site. It registrated 30,000 shops or more, and mouth‐to‐mouth topics and review data from Ramen People as latest information.
This issue is understand all about of the Ramen for Tokyo area.
This Free version is can download until the end of July.

In other words, "All your iPad are belong to us."

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